The Sisters of Charity of Saint Augustine condemn the racism that continues to impact the lives of most Americans, particularly those who belong to the African American, Hispanic/Latino or Native American communities.
We particularly grieve over the recent senseless killing of George Floyd and we mourn with George’s family and friends.
As Christians we are called to love and respect the dignity of each person. Racism, in any form, is in direct opposition to our call to follow Christ and we stand against this injustice and against the recent violence that erupted as a result of Mr. Floyd’s death.
As we pray for our nation’s healing we realize that this is not enough. It is a time for bold action. Our motto, “In All things Charity” calls us to work toward an end to the systemic issue of racism in our country, our state, and our city. Be it through peaceful protest, writing to those who sit in the seats of power, or personally engaging with our black and brown brothers and sisters, it is time for action.
We cannot afford to let this moment pass. We cannot afford to return to the way it has always been. This is our time!
And so we pray “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of all your people and kindle in us the fire that is needed to bring about a New Pentecost in our day.”
Sister Judith Ann Karam, CSA
Congregational Leader
Sister Marian Durkin, CSA
Sister Mary Dorothy, CSA