The Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine are pleased to announce that a selection has been made for the recipient of the 2020 Caritas Service Award. The Award is given by the Congregation every four years. The intention of this recognition is:
- To highlight the charism of Charity of the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine (CSA);
- To honor an individual, other than a Sister of Charity or CSA Associate, who embodies and exemplifies the CSA charism to an outstanding degree, and
- To emphasize the extension of the CSA charism into the community.
The recipient will be a person who embodies and demonstrates the CSA charism of charity; namely, generosity, untiring service, joyful witness of the love of God and a commitment to the Sisters of Charity ministries in Health Care, Social Service, Pastoral Ministry, or Education. In 2020, the Award Selection Committee, consisting of CSA Sisters and Associates, received eight highly qualified nominations. It was a very difficult selection process in 2020 as every year, as they are outstanding witnesses in manifesting the love of God.
After deliberation, the candidate selected is Marjorie Lang, RN who is a life-time Co-Minister who served in the healing ministry her entire nursing career at St. John Hospital, Cleveland and St. John Medical Center in Westlake. All she wanted to be since 5th grade was a nurse. She is a graduate of St. John Hospital School of Nursing and took additional college courses at Ursuline College and Cleveland State University.
Sr. Mary O’Grady, CSA nominated Marge for the 2020 Caritas Service Award. “She has been an exceptional nurse and role model in her dedication to the ministry of CSA both at St. John Hospital and St. John Medical Center her entire working life. As a Nurse Manager she took great pride in developing a team of dedicated staff, who were compassionate, competent, courageous, and committed to their patients and families.”
When St. John West Shore opened in 1981, she took on the challenge of ICU head nurse where together with Dr. Tim Taylor, the intensivist, she led many innovations as Intensive Care Units continued to evolve with technology. Being in Administration as the team planned for the opening and operations of S. John West Shore Hospital in 1981, Sr. Judith Ann Karam, CSA was grateful for Marge’s leadership and hard work in bringing critical care to the new hospital in Westlake. Marge became a Certified Registered Nurse in Critical Care, 1986 – 1991. In the 1980’s there were no Long-Term Acute Care Units, and because of the skill and compassionate care of the ICU team the hospital was able to see these very complex patients recover and return home. Marge was so capable in teaching and guiding the staff. She worked closely with physicians in implementing complex medical interventions in critical care medicine including implementation of hemodialysis since none was available for the critical patients.
Marge had amazing energy and enthusiasm; there was never too much work to be done. All of this she did as she raised her family of five children. She is very much indebted to her husband and children.
Over the years, Marge assisted the hospital in the development of a new concept, Case Management. When patient length of stay and sustainability became a number one focus, Marge stepped in and became a mover in discharge planning along with the social workers. Always proactive she worked with doctors and helped get them on board with the goal of earlier discharge while at the same time advocating for the patients. She cared for patients as for a family member with compassion and dignity, always the advocate, Marge’s tireless service, generosity, amazing energy and skills, her faithfulness to St. John’s mission and ministry demonstrated her dedication for the Caritas Service Award. Marge continues as a member of the Board of the West Shore Osteopathic Foundation.
Because of the COVID pandemic the actual formal ceremony will occur later in 2021. We are so pleased to recognize Marge and her significant commitment to serving God’s people in the nursing profession with the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine. Past recipients since the founding of the Caritas Service Award are: Sr. Mary Patricia Barrett (2001), Norman Wengerd (2004), Sr. Mildred Baker, IHM (2008), Robert Maynard (2012), and Dee Dee Chewning, RN (2016).